District Information Officers, PROs key to Reforms Agenda

District Information Officers, PROs key to Reforms Agenda

By Leonard Masauli

Lilongwe, July 13, Mana: Director of Information, Communications, Education, and Public Sector Reforms Management Department, Suzgo Khunga, has emphasized that Public Relations Officers (PROs) and District Information Officers (DIOs) are crucial to the reforms agenda, as they play a vital role in publicizing progress initiatives within various ministries and parastatals.

Khunga expressed the sentiments at Crossroads Hotel on Friday during an orientation meeting with PROs and DIOs on Public Sector Reforms.

She highlighted the importance of these officers being well-informed about institutional activities, particularly reforms, to effectively communicate and track progress.

"As a starting point, we thought it necessary to meet the team, so they are aware of the Public Sector Reforms, their origins, and our current communication level. Public Sector Reforms is a government initiative and a recurring effort at every stage and level of government."

Spokesperson for the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority, Kate Kujaliwa, echoed Khunga's views, stating that the meeting was critical for the Public Sector Reforms.

She emphasized that DIOs and PROs are key stakeholders in information dissemination and public awareness.

However, Kujaliwa pointed out that many institutions have information and PR officers in low-ranking positions, with decisions being made at the management level.

"We believe that through these reforms, communications and PR specialists should also be placed at the management level," she said.

"This will allow them to contribute their input when programs are being developed, ensuring they are not just involved at the end. Their skill set is essential for creating content, managing crises, and crafting impactful messages for Malawians," she said.

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