FUM courts Mzimba farmers on raising fish production

FUM courts Mzimba farmers on raising fish production

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, February 26, mana: Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) Mzimba Chapter Chairperson, Dan Kaunda, has challenged fish farmers in the district to join the union to benefit from working collaborations with other farmers and also from various business opportunities and expertise that the farmers grouping facilitates.

Kaunda was speaking on Tuesday in Mzimba during a meeting with fish farmers drawn from Mzimba Boma.

He said there is great potential in farming if farmers work jointly to exploit joint business opportunities that lay unexploited.

‘‘There is a huge demand for fish in Mzimba but only few farmers are able to match the supply side. We need to work jointly as farmers and grow fish production so that we jointly meet the market demand,” said Kaunda.

He also said there is a need for farmers to join the farmers’ union to benefit from various business opportunities such as business linkages that the union facilitates.

‘‘As FUM, we believe if we can be serious as farmers in working together we will be able to form cooperatives which will enable us to be attending agricultural fairs where we will be getting business linkages beneficial to us all.

“If we grow more fish it would be easier to sell some in the bordering countries like Zambia after satisfying local demands,” said Kaunda.

Speaking during the meeting, District Fisheries Officer for Mzimba, Andrew Saukani said there is need for working collaboration among fish farmers and his office for the farmers to benefit from the expertise that his office provides.

‘‘As an office we are ready and willing to provide extension services to all farmers. Our office is there to assist farmers in fish farming so get orgarnised so that we should start working with you. This extends to both existing farmers and those aspiring. We are here to help you maximise potential from the fishing business,” said Saukani.

He said Mzimba South leads in terms of fish farmers as it has 499 fish farmers unlike Mzimba North which has 210 farmers.

‘‘We have a shortage of fish on the market all the time yet this is an area that provides an opportunity for fish farmers to exploit and make money. I therefore urge you all farmers to look into growing the sector by setting and establishing fish ponds. Our office will help you with the expertise,” he said.

One of the fish farmers, William Kachale from Engalaweni said the training on fish farming has been an eye opener as he looks to setting up fish ponds.

‘‘All along I have been a fish farmer but I had problems with where to get fingerlings and also where to get expertise on fish production but with this training I have now realised the expertise is just nearby. All we will be doing is consult fisheries department for extension services,” said Kachale.

Another farmer, John Pemba hailed the training as it enabled them appreciate how beneficial the fish sector is.

‘‘We now realise how readily available the market for fish farming is in Mzimba. This training by Farmers Union of Malawi is beneficial in the sense that we now realise the potential of the fish sector if one takes it seriously to invest in it,” said Pemba.

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