

By Priscilla Phiri

 Lilongwe, June 11, Mana: The Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu has disclosed that President Lazarus Chakwera has established a special committee to oversee the funeral arrangements of the late Vice President, Dr. Saulos Chilima.

The announcement came during a press briefing at the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) in Lilongwe, aimed at updating the nation on the funeral proceedings.

He reported that the remains of late Dr. Chilima, along with those of his entourage and the flight crew, have been returned to their respective residences in Lilongwe, where vigils are being held.

"We previously assured the nation that we would provide continuous updates on the funeral arrangements for the Vice President and the other eight individuals. The bodies have now arrived in Lilongwe and are at their homes for the vigils," Kunkuyu stated.

President Chakwera has declared that the Vice President's funeral would be conducted with full state honours and has declared a 21-day mourning period, during which national flags will be flown at half-mast.

The Vigil for the Vice President will take place at his official residence in Area 12, Lilongwe. Additionally, the Minister noted that the late Abdul Lapken, who served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be interred in Mangochi on Wednesday, June 12,2024, in observance of his Islamic faith.

Kunkuyu emphasized the importance of relying on credible sources for information regarding the funeral to prevent misinformation.

The committee appointed by President Chakwera, includes cabinet members; Titus Mvalo (Chairperson), Harry Mkandawire, Simplex Chithyola Banda, Michael Usi, Vera Kamtukule, Nancy Tembo, Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, Kenneth Zikhale Ng’oma, Moses Kunkuyu, and Jacob Hara. Additionally, Patricia Kaliati, Secretary General for UTM, and Eisenhower Mkaka, Secretary for MCP, have been included.

The Nation will be informed of the committee members' specific roles as preparations progress.

Meanwhile, the technical committee is actively working on the logistics, and a detailed funeral programme will be shared following their meeting on June 12,2024.

By Daniel Siame

Lilongwe, June 11, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has said it would continue supporting media industry in the country

MACRA held a celebration for the completion of its frequency Refarming initiative, signaling a significant milestone in the country’s telecommunications sector and the event took place at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

MACRA Board Chairperson, Bridget Chibwana said the importance of the frequency refarming initiative has helped more radio station in the country to be allocated space within the frequency spectrum.

“This project is not about optimizing our frequency spectrum; it’s about laying the foundation for a more efficient, innovative, and inclusive telecommunications landscape in the country,” she said.

Chibwana emphasized that the reframing process would enhance the quality of services provided to consumers, facilitate the introduction of new technologies, and improve overall network performance.

Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu underscored government’s support for the media and telecommunications sectors.

“Government is committed to creating an environment where our media can flourish and innovate. The Frequency Refarming initiative is a significant step towards achieving this goal, and we commend MACRA for its efforts,” he said.

The Minister added that with improved infrastructure and regulatory support, our media would come to grow and contribute to the development of our nation and government was in full support of the initiative.

The event was marked by a series of presentations and discussions focusing on the impact this development will bring to the media industry and Malawians in general.

Experts detailed how the reallocation of frequencies would create opportunities for the expansion of broadband services, thereby fostering economic growth and enhancing the delivery of digital content.

The ceremony included a showcase of new websites where viewers can access their radio station of choice with ease.

Attendees had the opportunity to experience first-hand the potential of advanced communication services, such as enhanced mobile broadband and next generation broadcasting technologies.

It was clear that the re-allocation of the frequencies was not just a reflection on past achievements, but a forward-looking event aimed at positioning the country’s media industry at great heights.

With the government’s pledge to support, the industry is poised to enter a new era of growth and innovation.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:07

Political issues frustrate young people

By Evance Chisiano

Blantyre June 11, Mana: Young people from the southern region of the country met in Blantyre on Monday during National Youth Council of Malawi (NYCOM) organized National Youth Conversation said they have not given up in participating in electoral processes but they only get frustrated and fed up with adults that exploit them to gain their political mileage.

NYCOM in collaboration with Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) called for a youth meeting at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre under the topic; ‘Have the Youth Given Up?: Unleashing the Power of Youth Participation and Leadership in Electoral Processes’

According to the NYCOM the meeting was meant to allow young people to voice up their concern, discuss matters that matter and ask question that should provide answers for them to open up to start participating in electoral processes and in some cases start preparing to contest for various elective positions ahead of 2025 general election.

NYCOM, Executive Director, Rex Chapota said that, “We are to strengthen how the youth can participate in matter of national importance in these regards elections,”

He observed and was sure that the youth have power to transform the nation if they fully and actively participate in the electoral processes other than being passive on matters to do with politics and elections. 

At a public lecture at the University of Malawi (UNIMA in Zomba, MEC Chairperson, Justice Dr. Chifundo Kachale disclosed that research findings in the Sub-Saharan Africa revealed that youth’s participation in electoral processes (mainly during voting) was very minimal compared to adults in the same region.

The NYCOM and MEC jointly organized the Amaryllis meeting to encourage youth representatives drawn from district level youth networks, youth led organizations, university colleges political youth wings and youth’s aspirants for elective positions to mobilize their fellow youths to get registered and vote in the 2025 general election.

Foundation for Civic Education and Social Empowerment (FOCESE), Christie Banda said young people have not in any way given up their participation in matters of national importance such as elections.

“Young people are only frustrated with how they are being exploited by politicians who only need us during elections campaigns so that they should gain their political gains,” she added.

Banda noted that once voted into elected positions, politicians only make policies that directly benefit them while ignoring issues that affects young people whose population was in majority.

During discussions at the Blantyre, National Youth Conversation (Second series), the young people expressed concerns over politicians that only need young people to patronize their campaign meetings, dance and paint their faces to decorate their meetings and further observed that in some instances politicians use the young people to disrupt opponents’ meetings.

MEC Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Harris Potani called on the young people to start regaining their position in the society by being responsible and strong against all factors that’s can tarnish their image.

He said young people are in majority and can fully and meaningfully participate in electoral processes, adding that this was the reason why MEC decided to collaborate with the NYCOM to call the National Youth Conversation to interact with the young people. 

“This is why we are meeting you here. Our approach should depart from one size fits all. MEC has arranged a series of meeting to reach out to young people through various approaches and means,” Potani added.

Several speakers that included Prof. Boniface Dulani of the Afrobarometer, Prof, Happy Kayuni from UNIMA School of Law and Action Aid Malawi, Executive Director, Yandura Chipeta made their inspirational remarks to the young people to see them participating in the electoral processes.

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, June 11, Mana: Malawi Defence Force (MDF) has said nothing has yet been identified concerning the missing of the Aircraft carrying the State Vice President, Dr Saulos Chilima and search was still continuing in the area of Chikangawa

Speaking during press briefing on Tuesday in Lilongwe, Army Commander for MDF, General, Paul Valentino Phiri said they have engaged other personels to assist them in rescuing mission

He emphasized that the rescue operation was a collaborative effort, hence MDF have been engaged Malawi Police Service and Chikangawa Forestry officers.

Phiri pointed out that the operation encounters numerous hindrances, he cited bad weather and thickness of forest.

"This is hindering our search to locate the place, because it reruces the visibility of the place" he said.

The Army Commander urged people to prevent from disseminating maliscious information concerning the missing of the aircraft.

"Another challenge that is occuring is the huge force volume of interferences from other people that are not in the area and they have no information, they want to be on top on what is occuring. We want to discourage this.

"We have coordinating points at MDF headquarters in Lilongwe, at Kamuzu International Airport and on the ground Chikangawa. This arrangement is to enable information to come from one source so that we don't bring information that is false," he said.

According to Valentino the assets such as helicopters, other imagery gadgets are assisting the process of searching. Some of the assets have been supported by First Capital Bank and Malawi University of Science and Technology team.

He said they have deployed 200 soldiers to search the plane.

Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kumkuyu urged everyone to prevent from disseminating false information.

"This time around, no amount of sensationalization of reporting can make one a better reporter. This time around, no amount of prayers will make one a smarter man of God. When we are reporting let us report as concerned person," he said

Kumkuyu said the update of information concerning the progress would be shared in every two hours.

By Priscilla Phiri


Lilongwe, June 11, Mana: UTM’s Secretary General, Patricia Kaliati, has expressed concern regarding the search of the missing plane boarded by the Vice President, Dr Saulos Chilima, who is President for the party, together with his entourage on June 10, 2024.


She said this during the Party’s press briefing that took place at UTM office in Area 10, Lilongwe on Tuesday with aim to address Malawians on the missing UTM President.


Kaliati said that the party was concerned over the delayed communication by the authorities at the time that the plane was reported missing to the party officials.


“As you know the plane went missing around 10 am and the search began at 3 pm and this is a worrying situation on our account. We had 12 Malawi Defence Force (MDF) personnel in the search operation when it was called last night so this too is a serious worry for us,” she said.


The Secretary General explained that the aircraft carrying the Vice President did not have a transponder, a device used to trace and track aircrafts which has further worried the party.


“We hope answers will be provided by the right authorities to Malawians regarding this issue and as a party we proceed to encourage different parties and partners to help us in tracing to locate and rescue our party President and all the Malawians that are in the aircraft,” she said.


Kaliati highlighted that government has provided the party with access to information regarding the search from the responsible authority and further mentioned that the party was working tirelessly in its search ensuring that no stone is left un turned in finding the Vice President.


“We have expanded our search area to include Dwambazi, Kasungu, Nyika and Mchinji this is to tell you how serious our party is taking this situation and we are pleading with all UTM members as well as members of other parties to join hands in the search of the missing plane with his entourage and the entire crew,” Kaliati added.


She urged media houses to be sensitive in their dissemination of information by providing valid information shared by the responsible authorities as the country is under distress.


In his address, President Dr Lazarus Chakwera during a Presidential National Address at Kamuzu Palace on Tuesday night assured Malawians that he would not spare any available resources to ensure that the Vice President and the people he was travelling with are found.


He said that the MDF has been instructed to continue with the search and rescue mission until the plane is found and appealed to the nation to join hands and pray for those who boarded the plane.


Meanwhile, President Chakwera is yet to address the nation from Kamuzu Place this afternoon on the current situation of the search.


Also present at the press briefing was former United Democratic Front (UDF) President, Atupele Muluzi and officials from Alliance for Democracy (AFORD).

By Patricia Kapulula

Mangochi, June 11, Mana: Government is prioritizing digital literacy by ensuring that citizens are equipped with necessary digital skills in order for the country to attain digital transformation.

Director of Administration in the Ministry of Information and Digitalization, Hilary Namainja, made the remarks in Mangochi on Tuesday during the Digital Readiness Assessment Workshop.

He said for the country to achieve digital transformation and meaningful progress to drive innovation, there was need for enhanced collaboration and partnership amongst stakeholders.

“We need to create an enabling environment for digital innovation to advance readiness. Government has launched several digital projects such as the fiber which aims at enhancing connectivity across the country. This is important for inclusive growth and development,” Namainja said.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative, Fenella Frost said it was important for Malawi to enhance digital transformation as it was in line with Malawi 2063 in achieving access to digital tools for citizens.

“Digital transformation is a catalyst for development and essential to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. It is important that no one should be left behind in this digital resolution,” she said.

National Registration Bureau (NRB) Principal Secretary, Mphatso Sambo, said the country was   on the right track in implementation of digital identification.

He emphasized on the need for the country to exercise readiness in as far as digital transformation is concerned.

The two-day workshop is meant to provide participants with understanding on digital transformation, provide a sense of approach on digital transformation, provide an understanding on the role of different stakeholders on digital transformation and offer best practices among others.

The workshop has brought together ministries, departments and agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations and the academia among others.

By Bishop Witmos

Mangochi, June 11, Mana:   Greenbelt Authority has equipped farmers under the Mlambe Irrigation Scheme in Mangochi with knowledge and skills to run their agri-business as a cooperative to realize more profits for sustainability.

The Authority is currently working with farmers on an 800 hectares of land at Mlambe for commercial irrigation farming, starting from 2024's winter season.

Speaking at the end a one-week training of over 200 farmers on Sunday, Greenbelt Authority, Agriculture Production Officer, Gedion Nzumani said that authority intends to empower farmers in Mangochi to take farming as commercial enterprise.

“We are expecting to grow high-value crops at Mlambe to boost agriculture productivity and exports, we want to ensure that farmers at the scheme are operating as producers and marketing cooperative so that they should benefit from their agri-business."

“This would even help them to benefit from the grants that Agricultural Commercialization (Agcom) is currently providing to farmers across the country,” he said. 

According to the Agricultural Extension Development Officer (AEDO) for Namiasi Extension Planning Area, Kondwani Mithi, the initiative would assist farmers at Mlambe to easily find market for their produce.

One of the training participants, Ellen Mumba, commended the Greenbelt Authority for the training, describing it as an eye opener.

“Through the training, we have been enlightened on how to run our farming as a team and also to ensure that we are able to outsource for markets before we start our business. As such, we are very grateful,” she said.

Mlambe Irrigation Scheme has been operating during rainfall season only, for over 10 years and Greenbelt Authority took over the scheme last year to upgrade it into a mega farm, where they will be using water from Lake Malawi for winter Irrigation.

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, June 10, Mana: Kenya National Football Team, the “Harambee Stars” have an uphill task when they face reigning African Champions, Ivory Coast,” the Elephants” in Group F qualifiers of 2026 World Cup on Tuesday at Bingu National Stadium in Area 48, Lilongwe.

Harambee Stars are playing at home, need to forget their last minutes 1-1 draw against Burundi last Friday, if they are to collect maximum points over the Elephants.

The Kenyans have played three games at Bingu Stadium and have won twice and drew once, they are familiar with the environment of the pitch. 

Boyed with their 1-0 win over Gabon at home, the Ivorian’s are keen to make 100 percent record of winning games in their group without even conceding a goal.

The Elephants are leading the group with nine points after beating Seychelles 9-0, Gambia 0-2 and Gabon 1-0 while Kenya claimed victory over Seychelles 5-0, lost against Gabon 2-1 and drew 1-1 against Burundi, have four points on third position.

During Press briefing on Monday at Bingu National Stadium, Kenya Coach, Engin Firat revealed that nine players would be missed on his starting lineup due to injuries.

“We were playing Burundi and eight of them missed. We had another injured when we were playing them on Friday. In total we have nine players injured and this is making my plans for the team not to work perfectly,” he explained.  

Firat said look at Ivory Coast, they have a team full of foreign based players and this is the quality they have and asked them as to when a local player played for the national side.

He admitted that it would not be easy for his team owing to problems that have engulfed his players lately.

Captain for Harambee Stars, Michael Olunga said the players are really focused against Ivory Coast, the current African champions and they pose a different threat as opposed to Burundi.

He said each and every game we play, we plan and see how our opponents play so that we can counter attack them.

“We really wanted to take maximum points against Burundi but we only manage a point to us it was a set back and every game really matters,” Olunga added.

Ivorian Coach, Emerse Fae noted that Kenya is a good team and has a good striker, Olunga who plays in different positions within the team and they could be the first team to beat the champions. 

“It will be difficult to play them but we need to play same energy we used against Gabon. We need to respect our opponents.  In Africa, there are no longer small teams and such teams usually can cause an upset if you not careful,” he observed.

Fae disclosed that some two players are carrying injures but one of them is expected to go for fitness before the game tomorrow.

One of the Ivorian players, Amani Lazare denied that they have an advantage over Kenya saying both teams have equal chances depending on the play.

He said weather condition in Lilongwe was fine which similar to Europe and they are expected to play a good game with such weather.

The Group F encounter will kick off at 3 pm.

Monday, 10 June 2024 18:10

Lawyer Kasambara buried in Nkhata Bay

By Tawonga Moyo

Mzuzu, June 10, Mana: Body of late prominent lawyer, Ralph Kasambara who succumbed to heart failure, was buried on Monday with military honours at his home Village, Chijere in the area of Senior Chief Timbiri in Nkhata Bay district.

Kasambara, who once served as Minister of Justice and Attorney General under the administration of former President Dr Joyce Banda, was found dead at a lodge in area 47 in Lilongwe on Friday.

In his eulogy, Minister of Defense, Harry Mkandawire who represented President Dr Lazarus Chakwera, said the president was deeply saddened by the death of Kasambara as his work in the country cannot go unnoticed.

"The president acknowledges that Kasambara was a freedom fighter. He nurtured fellow lawyers and worked tremendously in the country's judicial field and for that reason, he requested that I tell the MDF to bring his body here and accord him full military honours.

"Ralph had the opportunity to join politics if he had wanted to but chose to pursue law as he had a passion to ensure things in the country run through the law's order. The president has thus given K5 million as a condolence to the family," said Mkandawire.

Member of Parliament for Nkhata Bay North, Ephraime Mganda Chiume said the constituency has lost a person of value who contributed greatly to the development of Nkhata Bay district and the country at large.

"We have lost a book of knowledge, a man of development and the multitude that came here to bid farewell to him is evidence of his great work. As a constituency, we were proud to have a lawyer as dedicated as him who did a lot for us. He built us a secondary school as he had a passion for education," said Chiume.

Supreme Court Justice, Dingiswayo Madise who represented the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, said the late Kasambara made a name for himself through his great work.

"The Chief Justice is very sorrowful on the demise of the Senior Counsel Kasambara. For a lawyer to be known, it is through the wars that are fought at the court. We are sad to have lost one of our own," said Madise.

Malawi Law Society representative, Victory Gondwe described the late Kasambara as a hard worker and advocate for constitutional order and rights for all.

"We honour the life and legacy of Ralph whose unwavering commitment for justice is evident in his deeds. He was a voice for those who needed a voice and used the law and constitutional order to advocate rights for all. He has challenged us to be champions of progress by the law. He did his part for us to enjoy our political rights," said Gondwe.

Representative of the bereaved family, Ben Chirwa Kasambara said as a family, they had lost a pillar who was a great help to the family and the nation at large.

"I want to thank everyone for coming despite the rainy weather. As a family, we are saddened and deeply affected as Ralph was helping the family and the nation," said Kasambara.

Former Attorney General, Kalekeni Kaphale said Kasambara was not an ordinary man in the legal framework as he was an example which his fellow lawyers emulated.

"He was a leader who set the pace for us to follow. He taught us to love God and help those in need. Let's follow his example. He will forever remain in our hearts as one of the gifted sons of Malawi," Kaphale said.

Senior Chief Timbiri thanked President Dr Lazarus Chakwera for the respect accorded to late Kasambara, saying that was proof that the late Kasambara was not an ordinary man.

"It's not easy for one to attain the kind of education that Ralph did. We are thankful to the President for the respect that has been accorded to him and this is proof that he wasn't an ordinary man," he said.

Born on 26 September 1968, the late Kasambara is survived by a wife and three sons.

Notable people at the funeral ceremony included Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali, member of parliament for Mzuzu City Bennex Mwamlima, Alliance for Democracy president Enock Chihana, Minister of Homeland Security, Ken Zikhale Ng`oma and People`s Transformation Party (Petra) president, Kamuzu Chibambo, among others.

Vice President Saulos Chilima’s program to attend the funeral ceremony was cancelled at an eleventh hour as the plane carrying him failed to land at Mzuzu airport due to harsh weather. 

By Memory Khutuliwa


Blantyre June 10, Mana: Malawi will on June 15 this year join the rest of the world in commemorating world elder abuse awareness day which will be held under the theme: “Seniors deserve our respect and our attention.”


Malawi Network of Older Persons Organisation (MANEPO), Programme Technical Lead, Goodwell Thunga told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Monday that world elder abuse awareness day (WEAAD) is observed annually on June 15.


The day was established by the United Nations in 2006 to raise awareness about the abuse, neglect and exploitation of older individuals, according to Thunga.


“The day serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations and governments to recognize the importance of rights of the elderly and to ensure that senior citizens can live with dignity and security,” he said.


Thunga said the theme was relevant to Malawi because the country is still in infant stages of explicitly recognizing the rights of older people especially after the recent enactment of the Older Persons' Law.


“The nation needs to change its view of older people. They are not a burden but rather a precious resource and the financiers of whatever progress the younger generation is enjoying today,” Thunga said.


He noted that the number of cases of elderly abuse and death resulting from abuse has been on the rise, pointing out that 13 people were killed in 2021, 15 in 2022, 25 in 2023 and 18 in 2024.


“Our view is that the number represents increased reporting especially with the increased access to smart phones and social media. We also believe there exists a lot of emotional and economic abuses that go unreported,” he said.


“It is, therefore, important to continue raising awareness on the various forms of abuse faced by older people,” Thunga said.


“The WEAAD commemoration is therefore important for spreading the messages and an opportunity to call key stakeholders to action,” he said, adding that strategies for combating elderly abuse included collaboration with key stakeholders.


According to Thunga, there is a National Response Plan against Elderly Abuse which is being coordinated by the Malawi Human Rights Commission whose task force comprises members from civil society organisations, judiciary, police and faith leaders.


“There has been the establishment of groups of older people called Older Persons' Associations (OPAs) where we have over 150 OPAs in about 8 districts.  Where we have these structures, issues of abuse are curbed in early stages and older people feel safer in those communities,” he observed.


Wonderful Mkhutche, a social commentator, said this is an important day as it reminds people of their responsibility to keep the elderly safe.


“We have seen the elderly being accused of things like witchcraft and then being tortured or killed, through this commemoration, we will discuss how as a society we can move away from such practices and how we can best take care of the elderly citizens,” he said.


“We still need to mete out punishments to perpetrators of violence to the elderly; we also need to look into building safer homes for the senior citizens and also plant a positive narrative in the younger generation not to tolerate negative perceptions of the elderly because this exacerbates violence,” Mkhutche said.