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Minister impressed with MIDAS training

Minister impressed with MIDAS training

By Pempho Kantayeni

Lilongwe, 20 February, Mana: Minister of Homeland Security, Ezekiel Ching’oma says he is impressed with the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) training that immigration officers are conducting which is crucial in bringing efficiency towards immigration processes across the country.

He made these remarks on Thursday in Lilongwe where he visited the training centre for immigration officers to appreciate the ongoing training and encourage officers on their role in safe guarding the country’s borders.

“MIDAS is a comprehensive platform that will house several critical immigration components, such as E visa, E permits and E citizen registration, the system will also help integrate with international systems such as Interpol, thereby enhancing communication with various stakeholders,” he said.

“It is essential to recognize that MIDAS is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to perform your duties with confidence and efficiency. I am confident that by the end of the training, you will all acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to potentially use the system once it is implemented,” he said.

Ching’oma said that immigration officers at the borders will be able to know all the information about every person who is coming in the country hence improving national security.

MIDAS is a border management information system used to collect, store, and analyse traveller data at border crossings, allowing the government to effectively monitor migration patterns and inform policy decisions based on real-time information.

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