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Vandalism of MAREP resources worries Ministry of Energy

Vandalism of MAREP resources worries Ministry of Energy

By Clarabella Chipolonga

Chiradzulu: August 31, Mana: Deputy Director for Rural Electrification in the Ministry of Energy, Francisco Chingoli, has deplored theft and vandalism of Malawi Rural Electrification Programme (MAREP) property in Chiradzulu where four project sites have been affected after items including more than 400 metres of electricity cables were stolen, frustrating Phase 9 of the rural electrification drive. 

He, therefore, called on people in the district to jealously guard MAREP equipment against theft and vandalism saying the programme is to bring electricity in many parts of the district.

Chingoli told Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Friday at Makuwa Community Day Secondary School in the district during a joint site meeting with chiefs, police officers and other stakeholders that they ought to be instrumental in tackling theft and vandalism of MAREP equipment in the district.

The stakeholders meeting also discussed ways and means to successfully implement MAREP in the district for wider electrification.

“We came here to touch base with the community to tackle the issue of vandalism which is rampant in the district. I am glad that all stakeholders have promised to fight against this malpractice,” said Chingoli.

He asked police, the district council and community members to work together to deal with theft and vandalism so that most people in the district should continue benefiting from the MAREP.

“Our duty is to bring development. It is the communities’ responsibility to take care of it. If people vandalize electricity equipment, they will suffer for not having the electricity.

“We expect that the contractor will start and finish his job without being distracted. There is a new law that says a person will be imprisoned for 30 years or else pay K150 million if found vandalizing electricity resources,” he said.

Chiradzulu Police Station Community Policing Coordinator, Mark Munama, assured the ministry that police will emphasize to the communities on the importance of MAREP and gravity of vandalism electricity resources in the district.

“We will revamp all community policing structures and bring in new structures. We have already deployed our officers including those in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in all zones to gather intelligence information so that we should arrest all suspects that are connected to theft and vandalism of MAREP property.

“This is crime prevention issue and it is a joint approach, the police alone cannot reach everywhere. This is why we are calling others stakeholders to support us with reflectors, torches and any other resources that can be useful in dealing with this problem,” he said.

Traditional Authority Sandrak expressed concern over vandalism of electricity equipment, saying this is retrogressive to rural development.

“We use maize mills powered by electricity because they are better than diesel powered. With electricity all over we will not walk long distances to maize mills,” she said and pledged to join the fight against theft and vandalism of MAREP property in her area.

She said they will engage in massive sensitization with village heads and will reach out to their subjects to raise the much-needed awareness on the negative effects of theft and vandalisms on development.

“We will also tell them what new law is saying on those caught stealing or vandalizing electricity equipment,” said Traditional Authority Sandrak.

Four out of 10 houses in Malawi have access to electricity and government says MAREP is there to improve the current status by 2063.

Chiradzulu and Chikwawa have more cases of vandalism on MAREP phase nine resources. Chiradzulu has ten MAREP 9 sites out of which four have been vandalised.

The vandalized sites are; Makuwa, Chamdimbo, Kukhumula and Chelewani where 400 plus meters of wire was stolen.

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