Karonga Town Water Supply Project to install 10,000 free water connections
By George Mponda
Karonga, February 4, Mana: Northern Region Water Board (NRWB), through Karonga Town Water Supply Project, is expected to install 10,000 free water connections to enhance accessibility to potable water for Karonga residents and surrounding areas.
NRWB Board Chairperson, Frank Mwenifumbo, made the revelation Saturday on the sidelines of an inspection tour of the project’s sites by NRWB and Ministry of Water and Sanitation officials.
Mwenifumbo said the project, which is at 85 percent completion rate, has 10,000 water connection materials which are going to be used for free to bring water to those who applied.
"At the moment, we have more than 9,500 applications and in line with government’s policy on free water connection and enhancement of accessibility to safe water, we are going to bring water to over 189,000 people in Karonga and surrounding areas,” said Mwenifumbo.
The project, which is expected to be finished by March, is aimed at rahabilitating, upgrading and expanding the old water supply system and will be pumping over 1.3 million litres of water per hour.
The Board has since installed a new 30 million litre treatment plant.
“This is a tremendous improvement over the current facility’s maximum output of 12 million litres per day," said Mwenifumbo.
Paramount Chief Kyungu of Karonga and Chitipa commended government and NRWB for committing to bring safe water to the people of Karonga.
"This will give us access to potable water unlike in the past where we had persistent water shortages. I would like to appeal to communities, especially where the new infrastructure has been built, to jealously guard it against vandalism," Kyungu said.
Director for Water Supply Services in the Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Prince Mleta, said the ministry, directed by government policies, is committed to ensuring universal access to potable water by 2030, hence the project.
“We will soon be embarking on Rumphi Water Supply Project and another one at Chintheche to ensure that Malawians across the country have access to clean and safe water by 2030,"said Kamlete.
The project, worth US$ 26.7 million, is financed by Malawi Government, who pumped in US$ 1.7 million, OPEC Fund with US$ 15 million and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa which has provided US$ 10 million.
MCGs hailed for demystifying immunization
By Rose Cross Mahorya
Mzuzu, February 4, Mana: Mother Care Groups (MCGs) in Mzuzu City and Mzimba North have been applauded for demystifying immunizations.
The care groups are supported by Health Systems Strengthening Program (HSSP) which is run by Ministry of Health with Support from GAVI and the Vaccine Alliance.
Speaking Saturday after visiting Chikundula MCG in Mzuzu City, District Health Environmental Officer for Mzimba North, Kennedy Kaonga, said the groups are playing a vital role in providing vaccine and health related talks within their areas.
“Our office used to face challenges in promoting high rate of vaccine uptake because of misconceptions and myths surrounding vaccines.
“There was a lot of resistance against vaccines, including Covid-19 vaccine. However, with the establishment of the MCGs, percentage of children getting vaccinated has increased,” said Kaonga.
He added that MCGs, in other areas, have also advocated for refrigerators for storage of vaccines, constructed houses for health surveillance assistants and under five clinic structures.
Chairperson for Chikundula MCG, Christina Chiumia, commended Ministry of Health and Malawi Health Equity Network, the project’s implementing partner, for the group’s capacity building in advocating for communities’ adherence to vaccines.
“We are grateful for the knowledge imparted in us because, even if the project period expires, we will continue sharing the knowledge with others for the sustainability of these gains,” said Chiumia.
The HSSP aims at empowering communities to monitor community health care service delivery and advocate for health related resources and services.
Government bails out hunger stricken households in Nkhata Bay
By Chisomo Kambandanga
Nkhata Bay, February 4, Mana: Government, through the Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DoDMA), has embarked on distribution of relief maize to hunger stricken households in Nkhata Bay District.
Speaking Saturday at Makumbo during a maize distribution exercise, District Commissioner for Nkhata Bay, Rodgers Newa, said about 10,222 households in the district are expected to receive the assistance for two months.
“A few months ago, government pledged to provide relief maize to hunger stricken, vulnerable and needy households. We are here today witnessing the fulfilment of that promise.
“Each targeted household is expected to receive two 50 kilogramme bags of maize from January to February, 2024. We were expected to start the exercise early January but we delayed due to some challenges,” said Newa.
He said, to ensure that all targeted households are reached, the exercise will first target all hard to reach areas such as Usisya, Thoto and Makumbo.
Group Village Head Mbalambala under Traditional Authority (TA) Zilakoma said the maize will go a long way in promoting good health among people in the area.
One of the beneficiaries, Maria Banda, of Mtaza Village commended government for the timely support and fulfilment of its promise.
The food distribution exercise is a response to the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) report which estimated that about 4.4 million people across the country will likely not meet their annual food requirement during the 2023/2024 consumption period.
Farmers advised to invest in irrigation
By Moses Nyirenda
Lilongwe, February 4, Mana: Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, has advised farmers in the country to invest more in irrigation agriculture if they are to improve their productivity.
Speaking in Kasungu on Saturday after visiting Vikuyu and Kasungu Agro Wealth Creation Cooperatives, which are beneficiaries of Agriculture Commercialization and Mechanization (AGCOM) project, Kawale said farmers should not only rely on rain-fed agriculture.
“We have experienced floods and drought in some parts of the country which have reduced crop harvest.
“That is why in the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) agriculture loans, grants in AGCOM and loans in Mega farms, we are encouraging every person who has access to land that has water, to use the loan to invest in irrigation,” Kawale said.
The Minister said now is the time farmers should start harvesting three times a year through the use of rivers, dams and lakes.
He said if farmers adopt this, there will be two harvests realizes be 100 percent irrigation.
“Malawi has a lot of water that we are supposed to utilize. We have been blessed so let us use the blessing by investing in irrigation,” he said.
He appealed to farmers to take advantage of the idle arable land for farming.
Kawale was confident that irrigation and use of idle arable land would assist in sustaining food security in the country as farmer’s productivity would improve.
Government has invested K500 billion in AGCOM, K20 billion in mega farms and K17 billion in NEEF.
Member of Parliament (MP) for Kasungu East, Madalitso Kazombo, commended government for its commitment in supporting farmers in the country.
He emphasized on the need for awareness so that as many farmers as possible reap benefits from the projects.
“It has been noted that many people do not know about the projects. Let them know about this so that they access the loans and grants,” Kazombo explained.
DoDMA rescues hunger stricken people in Salima
By Lekereni Chinkhota
Salima, February 3, Mana: Communities in Salima have hailed the maize distribution initiative in the district as a good solution to their food insufficiency as the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), through Salima District Council Disaster Risk Management Office, continues rescuing people from hunger.
Speaking at Mgwirizano Primary School, in the area of Senior Chief Pemba, Disaster Risk Management Officer for Salima, Gloria Chinangwa, said the distribution exercise is going well as there is neither duplication of beneficiaries nor corruption.
“The activity has been moving well. We have managed to distribute the maize we were allocated to various Centre’s in the district. However, we are still remaining with other Centre’s which we are yet to reach out to because we have been receiving one or two trucks a day which is delaying the exercise to sustain the number of people that are yet to receive.
“Sometimes, we are also receiving people that are not beneficiaries and this is affecting us as we have to handle their issues instead of focusing on the exercise. However, we have just received reports that many districts have completed the exercise which will put us at an advantage to start receiving more trucks that will cover many Centre’s,” Chinangwa said.
In his remarks, Group Village Headman Pemba said the relief items will benefit his people because most of them were experiencing acute hunger.
“The maize we have received will save my people from hunger that our area is experiencing. We are grateful for the initiative,” Pemba said.
A beneficiary from the area of Senior Chief Pemba, Charles Frank, said the maize will solve food insufficiency challenges his family was facing.
“We are grateful for the gesture. Now we will focus on finding other necessities more than we used to do to find only food,” he said.
Another beneficiary from Nungwana Village, Finess Mustafa, concurred with Frank that relief maize will help her family have enough food throughout the month of February.
“We used to sleep on empty stomachs if I didn’t find any casual work that would give us money to buy a cup of maize for the day. This had a negative impact on my children because they were not going to school,” she said.
So far, DoDMA has reached out to more than 7,000 households in Senior Chiefs Maganga, Kambwiri, Pemba and Salima.
By Leah Malimbasa Chikwawa, February 3, Mana: Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) and African Development Bank (AfDB) have inaugurated an Emergency Operating Centre (EOC) in Chikwawa to enhance emergency and disaster response. Speaking
By Shaffie Bakali
Mangochi, February 3, Mana: Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation Liana Chapota Kakhobwe has said tree planting exercise is vital in securing healthy rain cycle, which leads to sustainable water resources.
Kakhobwe made the remarks Thursday during the tree planting exercise at Lingamasa Catchment Area in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Chowe in Mangochi District.
The tree planting ceremony was organized by National Water Resource Authority (NWRA), through the Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project (MWASIP), with funding from the World Bank.
Kakhobwe urged communities across Mangochi to embrace the tree planting exercise, saying the exercise is not intended for catchment areas only.
“In order for the impact of this exercise to be seen, it needs sustainability efforts. As such, this should not be done at catchment areas only but I encourage you all to continue with it at individual level, thus planting trees in your respective homes so that we can have whole year vegetative cover,” she said.
She added that the exercise is in response to the plea that was made by President Lazarus Chakwera during the launch of tree planting exercise in Phalombe.
In his remarks, NWRA board chairperson Engineer James Mambulu said his organization is committed to conserve environment and water with the aim of ensuring access to clean water to the citizens.
Mambulu therefore expressed satisfaction with the progress of the project, saying with the support from the Ministry of Water and other stakeholders, the project is progressing well in 19 catchment areas across the country.
Senior Chief Chowe has since hailed government and NWRA for the provision of resources, such as funds and motorcycles.
Chowe then assured the stakeholders that his subordinates will work tirelessly to ensure the funds are used efficiently.
During the ceremony, NWRA distributed funds amounting to over K3 million for the implementation of reforestation exercise to Lingamasa of Mangochi as well as Lower Livilizi of Balaka catchment management committees.
The authority has also distributed 10,000 tree seedlings to the same catchment management committees, including donating four motorcycles as a way of easing transportation of catchment advisors.
DoDMA, AfDB commission operating centre in Chikwawa
By Leah Malimbasa
Chikwawa, February 3, Mana: Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) and African Development Bank (AfDB) have inaugurated an Emergency Operating Centre (EOC) in Chikwawa to enhance emergency and disaster response.
Speaking during the inauguration AfDB Country Programme Officer, Furaha Bishota, said the centre is funded by a US$23 million grant through Post-Cyclone Idai Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project.
“Through this project, another EOC will be constructed in Mulanje and Emergency Evacuation Centres (EECs) have already been constructed in Phalombe and Nsanje as a demonstration of the Bank’s continued commitment towards disaster management,” said Bishota.
The project has also supported drilling of 50 boreholes, rehabilitated 35 fish ponds and is in the process of constructing a solar powered water supply system and 4 public sanitary facilities to further enhance the district’s accessibility to potable water and improved sanitary facilities as well as enhance the communities’ livelihood activities.
Bishota said the Bank expects that the facility will help in improving stakeholders’ coordination in disaster management in the district.
She, therefore, urged the District Council to sustainably utilise the facility.
“With the El Nino, seasonal forecast for the 2023/2024, which will require greater stakeholder coordination to reduce effects, the Bank believes that the centre will play a fundamental role,” she said.
In his remarks, District Commissioner for Chikwawa, Nardin Kamba, commended the Bank and DoDMA for the infrastructure.
She concurred with Bishota that the infrastructure will go a long way in helping the Council and stakeholders to coordinate disaster management affairs better.
“The EOC has given Chikwawa a face-lift and has solved office space problems,” he said.
Kamba said, apart from office space and conference room, the EOC also has a spacious storeroom which will be used to store relief items for the district when hit by disasters.
He promised that the Council will take good care of the structure through proper operation and putting in place maintenance mechanisms.
According to DoDMA Director of Preparedness and Response, Rev. Moses Chimphepo, the EOC can also be used by experts on official matters.
“Chikwawa did not have such a facility; now they can easily communicate with us faster using video conferencing at national level and transmit reports,” said Chimphepo.
NEEF farm input loans rescuing farmers from chronic hunger
By Amos Phiri Chigwa
Mchinji, February 3, Mana: Mchinji farmers are breaking free from chronic hunger, thanks to the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) farm input loans.
The revelation came to light during a farm input verification tour on Friday, led by three government ministers of Agriculture, Finance and Information in the district.
In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA), one of the beneficiaries of the NEEF farm input loan, Henderson Mwavuli, from Traditional Authority (TA) Nyoka expressed gratitude to the government for the initiative.
"For years, I have been dormant in agriculture due to lack of capital. Now, with the NEEF loan, I have cultivated 15 acres of maize and five acres of tobacco, ensuring I am not facing chronic hunger this year," he said.
Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, emphasized government's commitment to transitioning from the Affordable Input Programme (AIP) to NEEF.
"We want farmers to graduate from AIP to NEEF, then to Agriculture Commercialization (AGCOM) funds, ultimately becoming part of mega farms," said Kawale.
He reassured farmers on market concerns, highlighting government partnerships with companies to purchase their produce.
Minister of Finance, Simplex Chithyola Banda, moved to amplify the positive impact, pledging an increase in NEEF funding to benefit more Malawians.
"I appeal to the Members of Parliament (MPs) to support this initiative, ensuring the fund reaches many Malawians, leaving no one behind in the system," said Chithyola.
MP for Mchinji North East, Esther Majaza, lauded the initiative, foreseeing a return to abundance for Mchinji.
"Chronic hunger will be history in Mchinji if this continues," she said.
Majaza also expressed her commitment to supporting the fund's increment in parliament.
Kaphatenga vendors to resume paying market fees
By Golden Kang’oma
Salima, February 3, Mana: Vendors at Kaphatenga Market in Salima have resolved their grievances with Salima District Council and have agreed to resume paying market fees as the Council has constructed a toilet at the facility.
For some time, vendors at the market have boycotted paying market fees saying the Council was failing to construct a toilet and other sanitary services.
Speaking to Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Friday, Salima District Council Chairperson, Chifungo Katoweka, said the Council has now constructed the toilet at the market to ensure that there is hygiene.
“We are not only looking at the fees that we collect at the market but also the well-being of the people doing business at the premises. So, after receiving concerns from the vendors, we discussed with them on how we could address the challenges,” said Katoweka.
He hailed the vendors for being patient for a long period and for resuming paying market fees saying that is the only way the market can grow.
Kaphatenga Market Vendors Chairperson, Kingsley Kachitsa, said the facility has come at a right time when vendors and customers were helpless.
“We are glad that the Council has heard our concerns. We were at risk of waterborne diseases, especially during rainy season, but with this facility such diseases will be prevented,” he said.
Kachitsa promised the Council that they will no longer boycott paying market fees and has, therefore, appealed to the Council to ensure that all necessary services are provided at the market.
He said the vendors are expecting more development projects from the Council.
Chiefs challenged to take leading role in promoting peace
By Margret Praise Kalua
Nkhata Bay, February 2, Mana: Officer in Charge for Nkhata Bay Police, Isaac Norman, has urged traditional leaders in the district to promote cordial relationships between community members and police in order to maintain peace and stability.
Norman was speaking on Friday during an interface meeting with over 150 chiefs in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kabunduli in the district.
He said traditional leaders need to work hand in hand with law enforcers for security interventions to bear positive fruits.
“We are very certain that you know your people and understand that they have different characters.
“Others are good while others are criminals. A good leader must not harbour criminals in their area," he said.
Norman further urged chiefs to follow proper procedures when handling issues in their areas like land wrangles.
On his part, TA Kabunduli assured the police that he will do everything possible to make sure that there is always peace in his area.
The chief also asked his subordinates to abide by the law and to always be supportive and collaborative with police to tackle crime in the area.