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MANEPO geared to eliminate stereotypes towards the elderly in Balaka

MANEPO geared to eliminate stereotypes towards the elderly in Balaka Featured

By Mirium Fumulani and Milton Sukasuka

Balaka, December 6, Mana: Malawi Network of Older Persons Organizations (MANEPO) has said implementation of a new project called Realizing the Rights of Older People (ROAR) will help to eradicate physical, mental and other forms of abuses that elderly people face in Balaka District.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Thursday, MANEPO Technical Leader, Goodwell Thunga, said the project which targets areas of Nsamala and Mpilisi will incorporates community awareness aspect that seeks to positively change community members negative perception towards the elderly.

“This initiative will ensure that older people in Balaka are receiving care and support they deserve as vulnerable members of society.

“By changing community members’ altitude towards the older people, the project will also help to fight abuses and stereotypes that the elderly face such as assaults and being associated with bad things,” he added.

Thunga therefore said the project will also empower the elderly economically by distributing funds to individuals aged 70 years and above to help them improve their livelihoods.

“Beneficiaries will also be trained on how to withdraw money using mobile phones, reducing the risk of embezzlement by relatives or community members," he said.

Social Welfare Officer who is also desk officer responsible for the elderly. Stanley Chisi, hailed the project saying it will help the district to mobilize more resources that will fully support the elderly.

“The elderly in Balaka and the whole country face various forms of abuses including physical, emotional, and psychological hardships. This project has come to significantly improve their life,” he said.

Apart from Balaka District, MANEPO is also implementing a similar project in Thyolo with funding from Irish Government and it will run for three years, from July 2024 to June, 2027.

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