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Minister of Health officially opens Maoni Health Post in Phalombe

Minister of Health officially opens Maoni Health Post in Phalombe

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, January 29, Mana: Minister of Health Khumbize Kandondo Chiponda on Tuesday opened Maoni Health Post in Phalombe District, one of 900 health posts the government is constructing across the country.

In an interview after the official opening of the health post, Chiponda said almost 200 health posts have been constructed, adding that this will help shorten the distance people walk to access health services.

“The health post also has two staff houses and communities around Mauzi have welcomed the development because this is the first-ever government health facility in the area," the minister added.

The ministry will consider the construction maternity wing to ensure all health posts provide antenatal services on top of offering under-five clinics.

Paramount Chief Kaduya therefore thanked the Ministry of Health for introducing the health post at Maoni, saying the area had no health facilities, prompting people to walk 20kilometers to Rev. John Chilembe Hospital or Nazombe Health Center to access health services.

The Paramount Chief asked the ministry to construct a maternity wing at the facility saying that pregnant women will still be struggling to access antenatal services.

Member of Parliament for Phalombe Northeast, Dennis Namachekecha said village head signed Social Contract on March 21, 2014, to express their development priorities.

“After signing the Social Contract, I presented the issues in Parliament asking government to consider upgrading Nambazo Health Centre to a rural hospital and to construct health posts at Namalima, Maoni, Mambala and Mtemanyama. I am now proud to report that all four health posts have been constructed,” he added.

The health newly opened Maini Health Post will be providing all services except maternal services.

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