Thyolo District Council launches construction of health post and bridge

Thyolo District Council launches construction of health post and bridge

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, August 10, Mana: Local leaders in Thyolo have called on their subjects to maintain dignity and integrity throughout construction of Chilengo Health Post and Limbe Bridge in Traditional Authorities Mphuka and Bvumbwe respectively observing that women and girls are mostly subjected to sexual exploitation by construction workers for labour opportunity and other favours.

Councilor Somanje Sayenda of Dzimbiri Ward made the call this week at the launch of construction of Chilengo Health Center at Traditional Authority Mphuka’s area where he expressed worry over tendencies by construction workers that engage in sex with women in the course of construction work.

He therefore cautioned women against being turned into sex objects and further urged them to stand their ground, never to give in to transactional sex in exchange of favours at the expense of their integrity and status in the society.

“Women should guard their dignity at all costs," Sayenda urged women emphasizing the need for self-respect and caution during project implantation period.

Thyolo District Council launched construction of Limbe Bridge at Traditional Authority Bvumbwe where Councilor, Idrissa Gausi of Makungwa Ward, echoed the call for responsible behavior, calling on his people to avoid stealing construction materials.

The ward councilor said success of the bridge project will depend on the integrity of the community in embracing ownership spirit of the project.

“For the contractor to do a quality job, we must resist the temptation to steal construction materials," he said and appealed to the contractor to priorities hiring people from surrounding villages to ensure community members benefit directly from the project to sustain their livelihood.

Group Village Head Kadzuwa under Traditional Authority Bvumbwe said anyone caught stealing building materials or vandalizing the bridge after completion will be brought before his tribunal and will face serious consequences.

He reminded community members that for 45 years the area did not have a bridge, saying the construction of the bridge finally came and it was the responsibility of the communities to ensure successful completion of the project for their own good.

“We will deal with anyone trying to steal project materials or vandalize the bridge materials once it is completed in October this year,” said Group Village head Kadzuwa.

Group Village Head Mkwata under Senior Chief Mphuka also appealed to the people to report to the local leaders and other relevant authorities if they see any suspicious activities relating to theft as well as selling of building materials meant for the health facility project.

Thyolo District Council is constructing the health post and bridge courtesy of the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) Project with funding from the World Bank.

GESD projects are being implemented by all qualifying local authorities through the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC)

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