Physical activity crucial for well-being

Physical activity crucial for well-being

By Lisa Lamya

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: News that 1.8 billion people worldwide are at risk of suffering from disease due to their failure to do enough physical activities has concerned local health experts and sports bodies alike.

The news has come from the World Health Organization (WHO) which has released study results showing that nearly 31 percent of adults worldwide do not meet recommended levels of physical activities.

Speaking on the sidelines of releasing the results, WHO Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated the need to renew commitments to increasing levels of physical activities and prioritizing bold action including strengthened policies and increased funding to reverse this worrying trend.

“The new findings highlight a lost opportunity to reduce cancer and heart disease and improve mental health and well-being through increased physical activity,” he said.

Head of WHO Unit for Physical Activity, Dr. Fiona Bull said the promotion of physical activity goes beyond promoting individual lifestyle choice.

He added that this would require a society’s approach in creating environments that should make it easier and safer for everyone to be active to reap many health benefits of regular physical activities.

Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Malawi National Sports Council (MNSC). Edgar Ntulumbwa told Malawi News Agency (Mana) Thursday in Blantyre that Malawian adults need to change their perception towards physical activities saying it was not only meant for the youthful population.

“The problem is that sporting or physical activities are labelled as youth activities but everyone needs to take responsibility because the benefits of physical activity are numerous,” he noted.

Ntulumbwa pointed out the relationship between physical activities and mental well-being, saying it prevents suicide cases apart from providing a platform for people to confide in others.

“People are going through a lot and most of them do not know who to share their thoughts with. When doing physical activities one can meet others who may also be facing similar problems and this can lessen their burden,’ he remarked.

Health Expert, Maziko Matemba said findings of the study are worrisome and countries need to ensure that they promote physical activities among their people.

He called on Companies, Ministries, Departments and Government Agencies to ensure they incorporate wellness programmes in their activities saying this would assist their employees who work eight hours or more to find time to improve their well-being.

“It is critical for companies to ensure they prioritize their employee’s health by providing them with spaces that help them do physical activity that is one way of preventing diseases that come due to lack of physical exercises,” Matemba noted.

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