

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, July 3, Mana: Minister of Education, Madalisto Kambauwa Wirima says government is impressed with the administration of Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations in Nsanje District.

Wirima was speaking at Nyamadzere Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) after inspecting the administration the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination at the Centre.

She expressed satisfaction with how the examinations are being administered,

“All candidates are sitting on desks and taking the exams from classrooms. In fact, all is well which guarantees smooth administration of exams. So far no challenges have been registered,” she said.

Wirima expressed government commitment to improve education standards in the district and the country as a whole.

“We know that Nsanje has not been doing well in exams. The ministry is working tirelessly to eradicate some challenges affecting education in the district and the nation at large. Currently, government has employed and deployed additional teachers to Nsanje District as one way of reducing teacher pupil ratio,” said Wirima.

She said government is also implementing a number of interventions such as construction of additional class rooms, among others,

“We hope that with such kind of interventions all challenges facing the education sector will be eradicated.” She said.

Wirima assured people in the district that government will finalize construction of a girls’ hostel at the institution as one way of improving education delivery in the district.

Nyamadzere CDSS Head Teacher, Leah Zambasa Nyowani said she was happy with the news that construction of a hostel whose works stalled will be completed.

“Most leaners travel long distance to this school which affect their learning process. I’m glad that the minister has assured us that government will finalize the project soon,” she said.

During the visit, Wirima also inspected Kadabwako and Magoti examination Centre’s in the district

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, July 3, Mana: Principal Social Welfare Officer in the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Gilbert Kaponda has asked social cash transfer program (SCTP) beneficiaries in Likoma District to use their money wisely to sustain their livelihoods.  

Kaponda made the call in an interview on Wednesday.

He urged the beneficiaries to start small scale businesses and join village saving loans (VSL) groups where they can be able to make savings and access soft loans.

“They also need to embark on other interventions like manure production in order to boost their agricultural productivity while reducing their dependency on affordable input subsidy program. Above all, they need to enroll their children in school in order to break the cycle of poverty,” said Kaponda. 

One of the beneficiaries, Veronica Kumpolota said she has invested her money in a small scale business, saying she trades in rice, fish, soap and other items.  

“I have a disability so I cannot manage going to the market to sell the stuffs. My daughter helps with ordering the goods for me. We are surviving through the business,” said Kumpolota.

She thanked government for the program saying it has saved many households that did not have capital to venture into small scale businesses to make ends meet.

Another beneficiary, Stanley Mwinama said through the program, he has managed to plaster his house.

“Recently, I received K116 000 from the program. I managed to buy some bags of cement and I plastered my house. It had not been easy to complete my house,” said Mwinama.

Government through Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare is implementing SCTP, a safety net program targeting ultra-poor households.

By Brian Wasili                          

Mwanza, July 3, Mana: As a way of scaling up message dissemination about fistula, chiefs in Mwanza District have been sensitized on signs and symptoms and dangers of fistula, so that their subjects should have accurate information.

Speaking during a sensitization meeting with the local leaders in the district on Tuesday, Mwanza District Hospital, Safe Motherhood Coordinator, Patrick Ganizani said that engaging traditional leaders in the fight against the disease would be the right approach to take, since these live with people who suffer in silence in their areas.

“People we are targeting stay in the communities. The chiefs are in a better place to carry the message to their respective community members,” said Ganizani.

A health worker at Mwanza District Hospital, Rhoda Golowa hailed the meeting saying it provided her with extra knowledge about the disease such that she will encourage women in her catchment area to go for fistula testing.

‘Now that I have gained extra knowledge about the disease, I will be able to explain to women and young ladies about effects of the disease so that they should come out for testing and get necessary treatment,” added Golowa.

Inkosi Kanduku Maseko who also attended the meeting, commended the organizers for the meeting, saying it helped him to get insights on the disease and current status in the district.

‘We are going to share the same information to our subjects and I am sure this will trickle down very well in our respective areas,” said Kanduku.

Fistula is a non-communicable disease which affects women of child bearing age and mostly occurs from an injury which occurs during delivery.

This year, Mwanza District Hospital referred 11 fistula patients to Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe for treatment.

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, July 2, Mana: Executive Director for the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC), Kondwani Santhe, a delegation from the World Bank and officials in Ministry of Finance’s, on Tuesday visited Thyolo District Council to appreciate projects being implemented under Governance to Enable Service Delivery GESD)

Speaking after touring Namatuni and Mtambanyama Health Posts, Santhe commended Thyolo District Council for the high-quality infrastructure projects.

“We are impressed with the quality of the infrastructure here for both GESD as well as other projects,”

“The projects here are well-constructed and demonstrate excellent planning” said Santhe.

He hailed the council for reserving space within the project site at Namatuni Health Post for future expansion, which he said shows foresight and strategic thinking.

Thyolo District Commissioner, Hudson Kuphanga said the council is commitment to ensure that infrastructures built are of high standards to meet people’s expectations.

 "We will continue to follow the required guidelines so that projects in the district stand the test of time," he said.

Kuphanga attributed the council's success to unity among sectors involved in project implementation.

The joint monitoring visit was meant to evaluate progress and impact of the Performance-Based Grants (PBG) funded projects in Thyolo District.

By Petro Mkandawire

Blantyre, July 3, Mana: National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) Cluster Coordinator for the South, Henry Hunga, has expressed gratitude over communities’ active participation in various interventions under Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) sub catchments of Blantyre.

He expressed the appreciation during a tour of Linjemesi catchment in Traditional Authority (TA) Makata and Chilambalare catchment in TA Kapeni in Blantyre.

He said structures which communities are constructing under the programme in most micro catchments will reduce risks of natural disaster, improve water conservation thereby improving food security.

He was hopeful that communities will continue adopting best practices in catchment conservation for improved livelihood as CS-EPWP was meant to create visible, durable and quality assets within micro catchments that should improve household food security.

The monitoring team visited the micro catchments to assess quality of assets and number of sub projects being implemented in the current circle, assessing implementation of works in line with the programmme calendar.

The team toured Linjemesi and Chilambalare micro catchments to assess number of participants and see programme achievements that can help improve CS-EPWP implementation.

“We have witnessed what communities are doing and this is an assurance that there will be sustainability beyond the programmme support. We have seen durable and high quality assets. l can confirm that all sub projects under CS-PWP in Blantyre are being implemented in line with agricultural guidelines as well as project plains,” Hunga said.


He said chances of extending the programmme are very high as CS-EPWP is there to build community capacity to respond to effects of climate change.

Chilambalare Catchment Management Committee Secretary, Bernard Banda, said CS-EPWP has helped most farming households to realize good harvest after constructing check dams and digging swales which slow run-off and in turn protecting crops from being washed away.


“We have benefited a lot since the introduction of CS-EPWP. We are now growing crops and harvesting more because we are able to retain and harvest water for irrigation. This was not the case before the introduction of this programme,” he said.


Chilambalare catchment, which has some areas under natural tree regeneration, gully reclamation, contour maker construction and river bank, is comprised of 1,010 participants with 257 hectares of land that covers Manjombe, Jamusoni and Mchere villages in TA Kapeni whereas Linjemesi catchment has 568 participants with 377.5 hectare under natural tree regeneration, gully reclamation, contour maker construction and river bank protection.

CS-EPWP is being implemented by NLGFC in all districts of the country with funding from World Bank.

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, July 3, Mana: Police in Mzimba have arrested four people for allegedly being involved in illegal mining activities at Chikosera Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chindi in the district.

Mzimba Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Constable Maria Banda, identified the four as John Vasco, 27, from Traditional Authority (TA) Ngabu in Chikwawa; Abudla Lattif Bato, 31, from Namwera Village, TA Jalasi in Magochi; Lingford Makamo, 61, from Gomani Chirwa Village, TA Chindi in Mzimba and Emanuel Phiri, 25, from Dinawanga Village, TA M'mbelwa in Mzimba.

According to Banda, the four were arrested after police received a report that some people were indulging in illegal mining.

"Following the tip off, we sent detectives from our office, in the company of mining officers, who managed to arrest the four. Investigations are still under way to arrest others," said Banda.

The four will appear in court soon to answer charges of conducting illegal mining activities which contravenes the Mining Act.

By Manasse Nyirenda

Rumphi, July 3, Mana: Rumphi District Council Director of Health and Social Services, Dr Arnold Jumbe, says the facility plans to start producing its own maize and rearing livestock in the next farming season as one way of supplementing government health budget.

He disclosed the plans Tuesday during a Parliamentary Committee on Health visit to the facility to appreciate nutritional service provision to patients.

“Government funds will never be enough and as a facility we need to do something to support government’s efforts as part of our reform areas,” Jumbe said.

He added that the facility's paying section will also start providing maternal services to those who can pay to raise more funds in order to improve healthcare provision at the facility.

In an interview, team leader of the Committee, Eurita Valeta, said there have been allegations that in some health facilities patients only get one meal a day.

She said as one way of establishing facts, various teams have been dispatched to different health facilities in selected districts to assess the situation.

"We will be meeting Ministry of Health on Thursday to brief them on our findings and map the way forward," she said.

She commended Rumphi District Hospital on their plans to start producing their own maize and rearing livestock which, she hopes, will improve patients wellbeing at the facility.

Rumphi District Hospital started operating in 1970 and currently serves as referral facility for the district.

It provides services to at least 250 patients a day.

The district has a population of about 254,000 according to National Statistical Office (NSO) projections.

By Angella Salijeni

Mulanje, July 3, Mana: Youths in Mulanje held candle light service at Mulanje Park Stadium in honor of the late Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima and eight others that died in a plane clash at Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba on June 10.

Speaking during the candle light on Monday, President of the newly formed People’s Development Party (PDP), Kondwani Nankhumwa, advised youths to be fearless and strong as Chilima was and use his philosophy in politics.

“UTM members should safeguard their party by not moving to other parties just because Chilima is gone. You should come up with a leader who will continue where Chilima left,” he said.

UTM General Secretary, Patricia Kaliati, thanked the youth in Mulunje for organizing the candle light in honour of Chilima and assured them that UTM is still active though their founder is gone.

UTM Director of Youth, Penjani Kalua said: "I am very happy to see youths mourning and celebrating the life of Chilima. This is an encouragement that his ideas will grow into the youths and l am sure the youths will embrace the slogan; Osaopa! Osatopa!  Osafooka!"

One of the youths in Mulanje, Jones Mponda, was excited to be part of the candle light that celebrated the life of late Chilima whom he described as a model for the youths.

"I am excited that I have celebrated the life of Chilima. I envy his life as l learnt more from it,” he said.

Chilima will fondly be remembered with his Chichewa proverbs which he used to say during political rallies across the country.

“I will remember Chilima as someone who used to excite the youths with his proverbs," said one of the youths that attended the candle light, Pemphero Mkweu.

Chilima became Vice President in 2014 to former president Prof. Peter Mutharika in the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led government and to President Dr Lazarus Chakwera when he assumed office in 2020 under Tonse Alliance administration following fresh elections.

By Kondwani Magombo


Lilongwe, July 0, Mana: Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, says the newly launched US$53 million (approximately K91.65 billion) Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme (SAPP II) is in line with the Malawi 2063 (MW2063) on agricultural transformation, as the programme has a strong focus on agricultural commercialization.


Kawale made the observation when he launched the Second Phase of the Programme at Malingunde Extension Planning Area (EPA) in Lilongwe on Tuesday.


He further observed that the seven-year International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) SAPP II, whose development started in 2023, will complement the World Bank Funded Agriculture Commercialization (AGCOM) in achieving the MW2063.


SAPP II is targeting to commercialize those farmers that are just graduating from being subsistence.


“On the other hand, AGCOM targets farmers that are able to mobilize resources to commercialize their agricultural production but cannot afford to meet the other requirements for credit as is demanded by the financial institutions.


“In this way, the agricultural commercialization drive is more inclusive and forms a continuum,” he said.


The minister noted that SAPP II will invest in capacity building initiatives as it will, among others, facilitate partnerships between producer farmer organizations and the private sector both for input and output market penetration, as well as foster opportunities for groups to access mainstream finance.


The programme targets 80,000 smallholder households in Dowa, Balaka, Lilongwe rural and Mzimba. It will equip farmers with the tools and knowledge to tackle food insecurity, boost wealth creation and improve livelihoods of rural communities.


IFAD Country Representative to Malawi, Bernadette Mukonyora, concurred with Kawale saying, like SAPP I, the second phase of the programme aims to further contribute to reduction of poverty in rural areas by empowering rural women, men and youth to participate in the sustainable transformation of agriculture.


Mukonyora said the programme’s efforts will lay the foundation for the commercialization of smallholder farming systems by strengthening farmer organizations, promoting market linkages and value addition and establishing a Farmer Challenge Fund to support both farm and off-farm enterprises.


“The launch of SAPP II marks a significant step towards achieving Malawi's vision of becoming a wealthy, self-reliant and industrialized upper-middle-income country by 2063,” said Mukonyora.


“Let us work together to ensure that this project not only meets but exceeds its goals, transforming the lives of smallholder farmers and contributing to the sustainable development of this beloved nation,” she added. 


Mukonyora pledged IFAD’s commitment to rural transformation through various programmes aimed to address development needs of rural communities in Malawi. 


On the SAPP I, which was implemented in Chiradzulu, Blantyre, Balaka and Lilongwe, Mukonyora said the programme made notable progress as it saw beneficiaries experience a 28-percent increase in income from crop production compared to non-beneficiaries.

She noted that food insecurity among beneficiaries was significantly reduced, leading to improved crop and livestock productivity and better nutritional outcomes due to enhanced crop yields, diversification and nutrition activities introduced by SAPP. 

By Lisa Lamya

Blantyre, June 3, Mana: Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) has attributed economic independence of ex-prisoners to its Prison Education Project (PEP) being implemented at Zomba Maximum Prison.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency (MANA) on the progress of the project, which equips inmates with vocational skills, CHREAA Executive Director Victor Mhango stated that this year’s cohort saw 47 prisoners graduating compared to the past two years when 23 and 25 prisoners graduated respectively.

“We are happy that the number of prisoners acquiring vocational skills has increased over the years; these skills are going to be useful throughout their lives. We usually follow them up after they are released and it is good to see them starting up their own businesses,” Mhango said.

Besides vocational skills and training, PEP has a mental health component for both prisoners and prison officers which, according to Mhango, also bears good results.

Sociologist, Dr Phillip Kapulula said vocational skills are crucial for inmates.

He commended CHREAA for implementing the project at Zomba Maximum Prison.

He, therefore, suggested that the programme should also explore to include a psychosocial aspect.

“Whilst there is funding for running the skills programme, why can’t we explore other dimensions of life that can also add value so that when people are out of prison they should change their behaviour,” Kaplula said.

He expressed hope that the psychosocial aspect, coupled with the acquired skills, can help them sustain a way of living.