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Government committed to improving welfare of children in Neno district

Government committed to improving welfare of children in Neno district

By Regina Chirwa

Neno, August 19, Mana: Deputy Minister of Education Nancy Chaola Mdooko says inadequate learning and teaching materials in the education system is affecting delivery of quality and equitable education in the country.

Speaking Friday during the closing of the 7th Neno Children’s parliament in Neno, Mdooko said it is the wish of the government to ensure that every child should access quality education by providing resources in schools.

She said government will build more school blocks to ease long distance problems which children are facing saying doing so can improve quality education.

"Ministry of education is not leaving any child behind because we want to improve quality of education in Malawi and Neno as district," said Mdooko.

A representative of the Children’s Parliament committee in Neno Promise Macheso said learners in the district are facing numerous challenges including long distances to access education.

"Government should consider building more schools to reduce long distances that are affecting learning process,” he said.

She therefore asked government to identify other partners since Save the children is phasing out its five year programme of Securing children’s rights through education and protection (SCREP) which has been supporting children’s parliament.

SCREP Project Team Leader Kenneth Harry Wala said the project has made huge impact among children by providing space to voice out their issues and also building capacity for them to speak in public.

The two-day meeting was funded by NORAD through Save the Children in conjunction with Community Action for Sustainable Development.