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MHRC cautions Karonga communities against trafficking illegal immigrants

MHRC cautions Karonga communities against trafficking illegal immigrants

By George Mponda

Karonga, April 24, Mana: The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) has advised community members in Karonga to refrain from trafficking illegal immigrants who pass through the border district.

MHRC Deputy Director for Civil and Political Rights Chance Kalolokesya said this Tuesday at Group Village Head Mweniyumba in the district when the commission engaged community members on human rights.

Kalolokesya said one of the main responsibilities of MHRC is to raise awareness on human rights of vulnerable groups including women, children, the eldery, refugees and asylum seekers.

H said: “We targeted Karonga because it is a border district which has registered high increase in human rights violations againts such groups especially illegal immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

He said while the law allows refugees and asylum seekers to stay within the country’s borders, illegal immigrants are a security threat.

“Illegal immigrants are a security risk to the country since we don't know what kind of people they are and its not proper to keep them in our homes or help transport them to other districts. We should report them to police or immigration officials," he said.

According to Kalolokesya, MHRC is implementing a project called 'Promotion and Protection of Rights of Refugees and other Migrants in Malawi' with funding from the European Union.

He said one of the aims of the project is to make sure that refugees who live within our borders are protected.

Group Village Headman Mweniyumba acknowledged that there are individuals commonly known as 'Brokers' who are in the business of trafficking illegal immigrants to other districts from Karonga.

"It is unfortunate that alot of people who indulge in this business are the youths and meetings like this one which bring together all community members to one place to warn them on the dangers of trafficking illegal immigrants are crucial towards ending the vice," Mweniyumba said.

"If we all report to the authorities whenever we see people hiding illegal immigrants in the hills or their homes waiting to traffick them to other areas, this business will stop," he added.

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