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Mwanza District Council set to roll out CS-EPWP cycle two

Mwanza District Council set to roll out CS-EPWP cycle two

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, December 15, Mana: Mwanza District Council has said preparations for commencement of Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) second cycle which is expected to start in the district next week have reached an advanced stage.

The assurance was made by Mwanza District Commissioner Dr. Martha Margreta Sineta at the preparatory meeting for the start of the new cycle which was attended by District Environmental Sub Committee and extension workers at the district council.

“Next thing after this meeting is to hold entry meetings with relevant structures on the ground as part of the preparations for the start of the second cycle scheduled for next week,” said Sineta.

She commended existence of coordination among stakeholders including traditional leaders and the participants themselves which contributed to the success of the last cycle.

Last week Mwanza District Council conducted a series of review meetings targeting stakeholders including Catchment Management Committees, volunteers, foremen and traditional leaders in the 13 catchments to look at successes and shortfalls experienced in the last cycle to avoid recurring in the new cycle.

In his remarks, Principal Agriculture Officer who is also District Coordinator for the project Idruce Kanyenda said all challenges such as missing of names in the data base, missing of beneficiaries on pay role among others. that were experienced in the previous cycle have been addressed.

“Let me call upon the extension workers who will be tasked to implement various activities to remain committed for success of the programme,” said Kanyenda.

10526 registered participants are expected to construct check dams, swales, raising tree nurseries and forest management. among other activities.

In the last cycle, each participant was paid K28, 800 after working for four hours in 24 days.

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