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Business community commended for donation

Business community commended for donation

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, December 30, Mana: Inkosi Kanduku Maseko of Mwanza has commended small-scale business group members for donating assorted food and non-food items worth K250, 000 and some cash to a family with health challenges in the district.

The remarks were made when the group donated a 50 kilogramme bag of maize flour, a bail of soya pieces and sugar, salt, a carton of laundry and bathing soap, among others, at the beneficiary’s home at Njazo Village in the area of Inkosi Kanduku Maseko  on Sunday.

“We need more of such people with love who can provide support to the vulnerable considering the cost of living is now very expensive. I urge other well-wishers in the district to emulate what the group has done,” said Kanduku.

The donation was made in response to a tip posted on the members' social media group by a well-wisher, which described the hardships faced by Triphonia Chabwera, a 58-year-old widow who has been ill for years, resulting in blindness.

Her daughter, who previously cared for her, is now incapacitated due to a stroke in January 2023, leaving her paralyzed that leaves the mother and her three grandchildren facing significant challenges.

Speaking after receiving the donation, Chabwera commended the support received saying that it will help her family to sustain life for some time.

“I did not expect that I would receive these items today. I will be able to eat food today and this will be my Christmas celebration,” said Chabwera.

She added that apart from food and beddings, her house was also in poor state, as it cannot withstand the rainy season and therefore asked for support for a better and safe accommodation. 

Member of the group, Sellina Magombo, said members donated the items not that they have a lot of extra money to spend but they wanted to make the beneficiary feel loved.

“We just wanted to demonstrate that the little we have can be shared with those whose situations are worse than ours and do not have any means to meet their basic needs due to various reasons,” said Magombo.

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