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Power to Youth donates K7m bicycles to Machinga governance structures

Power to Youth donates K7m bicycles to Machinga governance structures

By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, December 2, Mana: In a move to address mobility challenges faced by Machinga District local governance structures that support the rights of the youth, Power to Youth, through AMREF has donated bicycles valued at K7.780 million.

The structures that have since benefited from the donation are the Men Engages, youth networks, chiefs’ forums and victim support units from traditional authorities Kapoloma, Sale and Mizinga.

Presenting the bicycles, Power to Youth Country Coordinator, Thandi Mphwiyo said the donation is in response to a plea from the structures on mobility.

Mphwiyo said the structures have had mobility challenges when making follow-ups on cases in their respective areas hence the donation to ease the challenge.

“We are very sure that the donation will contribute in terms of following up on cases. The groups have been doing enough on the ground but they could have done more and am sure that with this support, they will continue working effectively,” she said.

She challenged the duty bearers to safeguard the rights of the girl child saying, anyone who impregnates a girl under the age of 18 need to face the law.

“Let me put it clear that anyone under 18 is a child. Therefore, whoever impregnates a girl under 18 has to face the law,” she emphasized.

Traditional Authority Sale chiefs’ forum secretary, Innocent Bamusi, applauded Power to Youth for the donation.

Bamusi said the bicycles will improve the ability of the governance structures to respond swiftly to cases of violence, especially in remote and hard-to-reach areas where mobility has been a major challenge.

“The bicycles we have received will facilitate rapid interventions. We have been walking long distances to follow up cases. This has not been easy. We are very thankful for the support,” said Bamusi.  

Machinga District Youth Officer, Hope Mwafulirwa, commended Power to Youth for the support and promised to make sure that the bicycles were used for the intended purpose.

The Power to Youth Consortium's mission is to empower adolescent girls and young women from underserved communities by ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making processes concerning harmful practices, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and tackling unintended pregnancies.

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