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TEVETA, MUST signs MoU to spearhead skills development

TEVETA, MUST signs MoU to spearhead skills development

By Tikondane Vega

Lilongwe, November 19, Mana: Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) Authority in conjunction with Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to spearhead skills development in the country.

The signing ceremony that took place at TEVETA Offices in Lilongwe was done by the boards of the two institutions as well as their management.

TEVETA Executive Director, Elwin Sichiola said the MoU has specific formal areas of operations between the two entities namely mentorship, coaching, technical services for commercialization of technologies, developing selected programmes for TEVETA institutions, operationalizing a trainer of trainers and upskilling programme for TEVET sector as well as developing a TEVET Graduate MUST entry qualification framework among other important areas.

He said the MoU was aimed at addressing challenges of the 21st century that require innovations as solutions adding they are also bridging the gap of academic excellence.

“This is more than a document rather it’s a skills development strategy that has been aligned with the demand on the market. As the world is evolving, Malawi is ready to compete on a global scale. The MoU will benefit even those who dropped at the primary school level but are doing different innovations.

“Our core objective is to increase employability and self-employment opportunities available to young TEVET graduates and out-of-school youth with special attention to gender, equity, and environmental principles,” Sichiola said.

MUST Vice Chancellor, Prof. Address Malata said her school believes in making a difference and improving the lives of people in the country hence the partnership with TEVETA has opened the pathway for growth to everyone regardless of education status.

She said MUST believe each level of education is important saying the MoU would help the school to build young people with necessary skills.

“We have been discussing this issue for almost two years with TEVETA and I am happy with today's milestone that is also key to achieve Malawi 2063 agenda and Sustainable development goals.

“At MUST, we have five years’ strategic plan and partnership with institution like TEVETA is key to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan. If you look carefully the two institutions works for same goal,” Malata added.

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