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SCT beneficiaries hail Yamba Malawi

SCT beneficiaries hail Yamba Malawi

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, October 11, Mana: Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) beneficiaries at Traditional authority Malemia in Nsanje have expressed gratitude to Yamba Malawi for mobilizing them into village savings and loans (VSL) groups that promoted a saving culture that in turn made them become financially secure.

A Nongovernmental organization, Yamba Malawi mobilized SCTP beneficiaries in Nsanje into VSL groups through Tikwere Project to encourage a saving culture.

One of the SCTP beneficiaries Danger Paulo from Mtemangawa Village at Traditional Authority, Malemia said this week when Yamba Malawi engaged the VSL groups in Nsanje to assess progress and economic impact.

He said through Tikwere Project, most of the beneficiaries embrace a saving culture that has improved household income as most households have livestock and were living in decent houses contrary to living conditions before the introduction of the project.

"The money I got from Social Cash Transfer Programme was not enough to support my family. I decided to join village savings and loan group. So far, I bought chickens and goats,” Paulo added and explained that the assets a security to his family.

“My plan is to build a house and l will roof it with iron sheet. At all costs this will happen," he said confidently.

Another SCTP beneficiary, Esther Woleni from Mphamba Village, Traditional Authority Malemia said her livelihood has improved after joining VSL group.

“Am now able to support my family with the money I put into a village bank. Yamba Malawi encouraged me to save and this strengthened my business through cash out amounting to K220,000,” she added.

District Social Welfare Officer in Nsanje, responsible for Social Cash Transfer Programme, Abdulrazak Duwa said his office in collaboration with partners encourages communities to join VSL groups to be self-economically reliant.

Yamba Malawi implements Tikwere project in Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe, and Mulanje.

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