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CSOs impressed with Mchinji District Council’s implementation of GESD projects

CSOs impressed with Mchinji District Council’s implementation of GESD projects

By Brighton Chimsinde

Mchinji, March 20, Mana: Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in Mchinji have expressed satisfaction with Mchinji District Council’s implementation of development projects under Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) project.

Mchinji CSO Vice Chairperson, Davis Damson, made the remarks Wednesday during a findings consolidation meeting done after conducting a monitoring visit.

The CSOs monitored a number of projects implemented with GESD funds in the district.

“Our impression is that the Council is trying its best despite some challenges. The major problem is inadequate knowledge of GESD guidelines among project implementation committee members,” said Damson.

Damson advised the Council to equip the committees with guidelines and ensure that they are always active and independent.

Mchinji District Council Director of Planning and Development, Martin Pindankono, assured CSOs that the Council is doing everything possible for the district to continue getting GESD funds. 

“Mchinji is progressing well since we are meeting guidelines and deadlines of the projects. To ensure community involvement, we always ask the community to institute project implementation committees at every project site and these are also trained,” said Pindankono.

The monitoring tour was done to check if the council is implementing the project in compliance with GESD guidelines.

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