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450 farmers to access solar water pumps

450 farmers to access solar water pumps

By George Mponda

Karonga, June 25, Mana: Karonga Diocese through its development desk, Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) has said they would support 450 farmers from the area of Senior Chief Wasambo in the disctrict with 30 solar water pumps.

CADECOM's Project Coordinator, Matthias Bulukutu revealed this Monday in Chitipa when introducing a two-year roject dubbed 'Climate Just Communities' (CJC) to Karonga District Council stakeholders.

He said that, "The project aims to empower communities to indentify their own priorities to be addressed through climate justice support and build resilience to the impacts of climate change."

"Among other things, we want to encourage sustainable agriculture by supporting irrigation through the establishment of irrigation schemes for livelihood agriculture," Bulukutu added.

District Irrigation Officer for Karonga, George Chanya said the global consequences of climate change have negatively affected the agriculture industry.

"For farmers to feed themselves and even sell their produce while combating climate change, agricultural practices must be precise. Scarce resources such as water, land, and energy will need to be exploited more efficiently in order to produce more with less."

"Providing solar water pumps to farmers will help them boost agricultural production thereby improving food security in the country" he added.

The Project is being funded by Scottish Government's Climate Justice Fund.

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