Chande BVC impresses peers

Chande BVC impresses peers

By Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, June 20, Mana: Senior Chief Makanjira of Salima has hailed the Chande Beach Village Committee (BVC) of Nkhotakota for outstanding management of hygiene-related issues on their fishing dock in the district.

Speaking during a learning visit by Salima District Council’s Mbenji Island and Fisheries Management Committee at Chande fishing doc in Nkhotakota, he said hygiene was of utmost importance and commended the committee for the amazing management of the beach.

“We admire the good work being done here and encourage more of such visits to learn and share knowledge for the betterment of admirable fish farming practices that we can learn from each other,” Makanjira said.

District Fisheries Officer (DFO) for Nkhotakota, Symon Ngwira said this was the first of many exchange visits funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the ReFRESH project to ensure various BVCs share knowledge and strategies for implementing effective fish conservation programmes.

He stressed the importance of issues of hygiene on landing sites, adherence to bylaws, and effective coordination with the chiefs for effective conflict resolution management on matters of breaking the by-laws as part of the things that these committees should share knowledge on.   

The DFO for Salima, Patrick Zakeyo said they were impressed and feel the visit has served them well and are looking forward to these visits by their colleagues and continuation of this exchange of knowledge.

Refresh District Technician for Nkhotakota, Catherine Kamanga described the exchange visit a success having encouraged local fisheries management authorities from Salima and Nkhotakota to learn from each other about best practices in Fisheries Management and Resource Mobilization to support their initiatives.

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